Friday, January 9, 2009

Post holiday Indigo

So most people get the Holiday Blues, with all the stresses that the holidays bring. Instead, I get what I am now affectionately (I suppose) dubbing as "Post Holiday Indigos" meaning...NOW I am sad, depressed, down in the mouth, and all those other adjectives that in the end mean I am crying all the damn time at the most ridiculous things!
I have little desire to do anything. This includes but is not limited to sleeping, eating, talking, anything that can bring pleasure to one's life. I find myself upset over the littlest things with everyone- Jake, James, my mom, uh...the neighbors, no one is exempt from my crazed bitchness...thus me trying to hibernate the best that I can. I occassionally come out of this "funk" only to soon go back in.
Now you may ask why I am in this perpetual moodiness...I HAVE NO FREAKING IDEA. I guess that I had so much to look forward to this time last year that I may just be disappointed. Or maybe I am just is possible. I am trying to make a few changes in hopes that I can snap out of it. I am hoping to enroll back in school in the next couple of weeks, I start volunteering again on the 22nd of this month, and let's pray that these will do the trick.
Until then...


On the Look Out said...

I love you Kerry. Don't forget you will soon be out of TX and only 5 hours from me. So when you are in a FUNK and I'm in a FUNK, we can at least be in a FUNK together. Miss you girl.

Kallay said...

you need a coldstone truffle...

i'm telling you... they make EVERYTHING better! :)

there i go eating my feelings again...

i really hope that throwing yourself into some activity will brighten your mood. being blue sucks. it's hard to shake off, especially when you're not sure what the issue is.

it's kind of like how girls chase after bad boys but we want a good one... no one knows why.

anyway... chin up young person!!! OK is just around the corner!