Thursday, October 30, 2008

Alright an 'exciting' story to share

Where do I when I first found out that I would be cat sitting for Jeremy, like ten minutes prior to him dropping by. Jeremy has been planning to go to Vegas for Halloween and he has somehow wrangled me into catsitting for him, unknown to me. Now I have known that he was going to Vegas and what his costume is....*shudder* a snake charmer, but a crude one just so you know. The snake being attached to his hmmm...well you know "snake" To think that Jeremy has one and it can be construde as a "snake" makes my stomach churn. BLAH. Moving on.

So he drops his cat off. She runs to a corner of James' room, why she felt safest in his room is beyond me but later on I find out she is not the most stable creature. We ignore her, thinking that she will eventually come out. Nope. So when it was James' bedtime Jake and James try and get her to come out on her own. Yea she basically told them (in kitty language) to "fuck right off" So Jake calls me in, tries to tell me I am like the G.D. Cat Whisperer and that I should be fine. I make an inappropriate comment about how he is scared of a little cat...I squat down and try and work my "mojo" on the kitty, damn near whispering sweet nothings to her just so we can get James to go to bed.

She doesn't bite. Actually yes, she did! And it fucking hurt. And she scratched. And screamed like a banshee. And growled. We are at a standoff with a fucking cat and it is officially James' bedtime.

I tried for about another twenty minutes but the way she was biting me so much and long (AND HARD) I was afraid that damn thing was going to get lockjaw on my we allowed James to sleep in my bed. Yea I caved to a cat. Sue me.

I ain't afraid of her...damnit.


sarah said...

wow. how long are you stuck with that cat/creature? is she gone? did you hide under the bed throughout her stay? (had to ask, cause honestly im a cat lover but that thing looks... well, scary) yikes.

Anonymous said...

heh heh..laughed so it brought a tear to my eye..ok, 2 tears!