Saturday, November 8, 2008


I have been fighting this desire....the one to chop off all my hair. And today I am dang near going ko ko bananas avoiding taking the scissors and hacking away. Seriously.

Why is it when it is short you want it long, dark you want it light, curly when you want it gods help (oh good Lorg! Nope not a typo there by the by)

Now I have gone through many stages of development with the hair...and each one has it's flaws

Senior Year of high pissed me off and got hacked. This is the ideal haircut for those who want their haircut to declare "I moved out when I am 16, broke as a joke, I stress over OMG I overslept and I may miss Accounting class!"

Now today, the hair says "help you haven't taken care of me in months--six to be exact--and you fear salons in El Paso because they made you look like a Tibetan Terrier last year with the bangs they cut!"

Oh Hair Gods help me...point me with your curling iron phalanges in the right direction. Shall I cut it again and be pegged as a "Marcy D'Arcy" again...or continue on in the growth?

1 comment:

Kallay said...

i love it short. it totally fits your face. but long is cute on you too. i know i'm such a big help.

at least you got over the scary nails though. ;)
