Friday, November 7, 2008


T.J. and Jean made it to Mexi-CO~Poor kids have no idea what is in store for being backed into at Wal-mart and said to have "hit and run" while standing next to them while they accuse you to the 911 operator (asshole) or being pushed so hard you fall on your behind at Toys R Us...or even the general nasty comments like being called "vanilla".....OH the joys in which I could share.
Seriously white just need a trip to El Paso to feel hated and prejudged like you, yourself, probably do everyday...just to put you in your place. Don't lie. You probably have laughed too loudly at a racial joke or looked down on someone maybe it was your Mexican gardener at school or work...and never had the experience of feeling like a complete piece of poo just because the color of your skin. There is such thing as white privilege and I can say now with no doubt in my isn't right and it doesn't exist here. Now do I want "white privilege" HELL NO...but common curtesy and respect would suffice.

1 comment:

Kallay said...

i hate el paso for you. nobody calls my BFF "vanilla". :( butt holes.